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July 23, 2008



I'll be damned. I never thought I'd see a Smith's song title on a Japanase T-Shirt("Big Mouth Strikes Again")


are you saying you like engrish cause it makes you feel superior?
lots of foreigners wonder why japan doesn't accept them wholly.
maybe it's because of your outright pettiness?


This type of humor is universal, and this is as thoughtful an analysis of it as I've ever read. Understanding why this humor works should make us more sensitive, such that we undertake it without hurting anyone.

I've always felt uncomfortable with columns like Traveler's Tales from the Far Eastern Economic Review for their regular exploitation of Engrish, but I still find it amusing nonetheless.

On the other hand, I get laughs from Japanese friends when I mistakenly say "Hana Mizuki" instead of "Hana Matsuri". The nature is the same, if not how widespread it is.

As they say in Avenue Q, "Everyone's A Little Bit Racist". So relax a bit.


Thought provoking post. Aristotle and Plato and then to Hobbes. I would love to know the sources for the quotes.

And then we have primitve Man with his sense of ego, Jung observed it as well as many others. But still I wonder if it would have chnaged the conclusions. I find it amusing that Hobbes is considered to be the father of Philosophical Anthropology.

I wonder... When the Japanese changed the word Wa, who laughed or did they fight a war with the Chinese.


Apparently there are 3 different schools of thought on humor.

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