Forever ago, I was tagged by Melanie over at My Life as a Gaijin to fill out this little questionaire called "All about Me Meme". I'm pretty sick of writing about myself, but I'll give it a shot here anyway. Because getting tagged affirms my existence in the blogosphere, after all.
What I was doing;
10 years ago
Learning to drive, stressing over the SATs, performing cruel experaments to see how long a girl could go without any calories, listening to god-awful techno music, dropping ecstasy and having no idea how much better my life would eventually get once I left that town.
5 years ago
In Yokohama, listening to my homestay mother lecture me about one cultural faux pas or another, growing to hate that woman more and more every day.
1 year ago
Finishing up the final draft of my manuscript, soon to commence panicking over the intensely personal nature of my memoir. (Panic still in session)
Tutoring kids in English conversation, showing an 8-year-old boy a picture of a pig with wings and asking him "why do you think this pig can fly?" Laughing to myself when he responds: "Because it's an angel-pig?"
5 snacks I enjoy
1) Japanese chocolate, especially "Crunky," "Panky" and "Munchie Munchie Panda."
2)Sliced canned beets. (Yes really, and they're friggin' good!)
3) Frozen peas (while they're still frozen, of course).
4) Umeboshi wrapped in Nori (minus the rice, rice is mendokusai).
5) String cheese
5 books I like:
1) After the Quake, Haruki Murakami
2) The Bluest Eye, Toni Morrison
3) The Harry Potter books (oh yes!)
4) Any historical study of Tokyo/Edo. Seidensticker is my homeboy.
5) Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy
What I'd do with 100 million dollars:
1) Attempt to save the world, by way of generous donations to worthy causes.
2) Become frustrated at my inability to actually change anything, despite all my money, and run away to sulk.
3) Get lonely sulking, forget why I ever ran so far away, and repeat #s 1-3 until all the money has disappeared.
5 places I'd love to run away to
1) Guam
2) Thailand
3) An Onsen at the foot of Mt Fuji
4) Greece
5) Home
5 bad habits and pet peeves I have (I'm just doing the bad habits)
1) Pulling my hair out.
2) Hating most salarymen for no good reason.
3) Taking pictures of sleeping Japanese people on trains.
4) Accepting too much freelance work.
5) Cursing Tokyo Taxi drivers for not knowing how to get ANYWHERE
5 things I like doing
1) Pulling my hair out.
2) Hating on salarymen.
3) Taking pictures of sleeping Japanese people on trains
4) Too much freelance work
5) Cursing Tokyo Taxi drivers for not knowing how to get ANYWHERE
5 things I would never wear
1) A french maid costume
2) that gothic lolita getup
3) luusu sokksu
4) a girdle
5) high heels (anymore!)
5 TV shows I like
What's American TV again? I do watch a lot of Japanese TV, but this is more out of horrified fascination than because I actually like any of it.
5 movies I like
1) The Shining
2) Anything Miyazaki
3) Sakuran
4) Girl, Interrupted (be it triggering as hell) 5)
5) Team America
5 famous people I'd like to meet
1) Haruki Murakami
2) Madonna
3) Courtney Love
4) J.K Rowling
5) Noam Chomsky
5 People I'd like to see fill this out:
3) Ashi
ごめんね!I havent been able to update my blog since I came to Japan... to tell you the truth I kinda forgot about it until tonight haha. But, I will fill out the meme now, thanks for tagging me.
Posted by: Ashi | April 29, 2008 at 09:56 PM
Thanks for doing that! Loved your book, it was a wonderful read, thank you so much for letting us into your life.
Posted by: Melanie | June 06, 2008 at 12:52 PM