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February 04, 2008



That's awesome! Nice job~ ^_^


Congrats on another good review =) I'll be sure to be on the lookout for it in Osaka. If I did buy it there, would all the text be translated into Japanese though or would it still be in English?


thanks foot. the book's not being translated into japanese yet. only polish and hebrew rights have sold so far. how random.

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  • Gratefully, joyfully, painfully, pissedoffedly, reflectively, creatively SOBER since January 3, 2007! I have worked as a nightclub hostess, a pre-school teacher and a Japanese-English translator. Right now I am an English tutor and a non-fiction author who is trying very, very hard to become a novelist. Tokyo is home.

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  • BAR FLOWER: My Decadently Destructive Days and Nights as a Tokyo Nightclub Hostess, by me

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