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November 13, 2007




It might not be your style of music, but it does deal with playing with fire.

The few pictures in my past, the ones that had a smile on my face, usually had fire in them. I don't know why. Heating with a wood stove now brings no smile to my face, of course if the fire goes it, I don't smile either.

Renay Milman

Fire accidents and disasters are stressful for children. It is important to educate teens and young children about the dangers of playing with fire, as well as the safety measures to prevent such occurrences from happening.

Annalise Johnnie

The chopper kinda makes everything and everyone look more serious. For some people, the fear of or the interest in fire stems from deep, traumatic or strong experiences. Maybe it was the same for you, but in any case, it’s important to always be careful with this element.

Phoebe Clarke

I felt the same way as you did about sirens as a kid. Back then, I was always scared of the sirens from the fire trucks passing by our neighborhood. Then again, we did live in a commercial area, so we encountered them often. Growing up, though, I realized how important they are in warning people of emergencies.

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