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October 29, 2007



おめでとう &cetera &cetera. Dealing with immigration authorities is probably the worst kinds of stress I've experienced, as your very existence seems to depend on the whim of some lowly civil servant who probably hates foreigners.


Congrats! I'm glad it all worked out for you with little ado.




Congratulations! I just got my visa extension yesterday.

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  • Gratefully, joyfully, painfully, pissedoffedly, reflectively, creatively SOBER since January 3, 2007! I have worked as a nightclub hostess, a pre-school teacher and a Japanese-English translator. Right now I am an English tutor and a non-fiction author who is trying very, very hard to become a novelist. Tokyo is home.

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  • BAR FLOWER: My Decadently Destructive Days and Nights as a Tokyo Nightclub Hostess, by me

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