Compared to hostesses, nightclub "hosts" here in Tokyo tend to start work later in the night. Perhaps it's because hostesses are notorious for hitting up host bars after work, where the women pay to be romanced and catored to by men whom they often choose from a menu. And compared to their female counterparts, hosts usually need to consume a greater quantity of alcohol in order to remain employed. Their job is to fit a masculine stereotype, after all. These hosts themselves do not finish work until well past dawn, when the aftereffects of their livelihoods are displayed in plain sight.
On the left of the below snapshot, one such nightclub host is being embraced in the middle of a crowded Kabukicho intersection. This man retains his lifelessly "cool" posture while his head is slumped over the shoulder of a young woman. She is either his girlfriend or his customer. It's hard to guess which, even in the daylight. A fellow host looks on with an aura of impatience.
When the lights change again, I realize that this man is not actually lost in an emotional embrace. Instead, he can't move. He has passed out on her shoulder in the middle of the street, and the light is about to turn green.
Dude, not cool. I think so much to myself, looking on as the other host quickly hails a cab and the unconscious man is carried inside of it safely. Safe until evening at least, when he will start getting paid by the bottle again.
Poor fella.
Posted by: Angela | September 24, 2007 at 10:58 PM
Hell of it is, I doubt the way I drank, I could have done what they do. Getting paid to drink and attempt to be socially correct even in a host club, nope, wouldn't have worked. I doubt the clients would approve of me throwing up on their shoes, so I didn't die of alcohol poisoning every night/day. Not real good for return customers either, good for bar business though. Ah yes, the good ol days, how I miss it, not. It was an ugly world and I'm not going back.
Posted by: postpaleo | September 25, 2007 at 05:50 AM
I'm glad you were able to get this on camera.
Posted by: THW | September 26, 2007 at 02:04 AM
Did you ever see The Great Happiness Space? I would like to know what the hosts are up to now. What does a Host do after he decides to quit the job? What do Hostesses do?
Posted by: T IN LA | May 09, 2008 at 08:49 AM
How is it that Japanese men drink so much ?
I used to work with 3 Japanese colleagues n they seemed to live on a liquid diet. After-work cocktails always ended up with them either puking or making a nuisance of themselves. My dutch colleagues can hold their drinks better, besides, they do't over-do it n embarassed themselves !
Posted by: Dutchie | October 24, 2008 at 10:20 PM