I found this. The second one down, you can't miss it.
Dear yokohama lion,
First of all, going back in time with someone is a big decision, and you have not told me nearly enough about yourself. I would need to know what type of time-travel relationship you are seeking, whether you like dogs, and if you enjoy long walks on the beach. Secondly, can we go to the bubble???? Please?? I have had so many (paid) conversations with nostalgic older men about the "bubble years" of Japan's economy, that I feel as if I can "remember the bubble" now, if only vicariously. If so, can we collect some of the 10,000 yen notes that pave the streets, and bring them back with us? Can we relax in the sun together and go swimming in all of our excess yen sometimes? I've never gone swimming in cash before. Do you enjoy swimming in money?
-Geisha, Interrupted
Which reminds me, there's a new film out on DVD called "baburu e GO," a rip off of Back to The Future in which some dude travels back to the 80's bubble through none other than a washing machine.
This film looks hilarious. Ok, maybe it's only funny in a 'you had to be Japanese' sort of way. Still, I must rent it asap, if only to see how much of "the bubble" I can still vicariously remember.
I wonder why this person wants a partner. And weapons? Hmm. Sounds fishy. Like yokohamalion is looking for a scapegoat. I'd be careful.
Posted by: VicariousRising | September 10, 2007 at 02:28 AM