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August 18, 2007



I have to say, coming from a fairly "safe" country namely Sweden, that I wandered around Kabukicho both in broad daylight and at 3-5 at night and felt MUCH safer than anywhere here in Stockholm. Admittedly I might have been strolling around in the outskirts of the area (ever seen a small bar called Rockbar Mother?) so I'm not sure I really know what I'm talking about... =D

A woman did come up to me at one point and started talking japanese to me (I didn't know much at that time)... and for some reason I thought she wanted help of some kind... how wrong I was... after a quick "No thanks, I'm good." I walked past a whole square filled with people sleeping on the pavement.


And the streets are clean, lol.

I've sometimes thought about that word ghetto and how it is used, what it's intent.

I used to wander the back streets and main of a small city in my youth, very late, early morning really. Thought about the saftey of it. Wondered why I wasn't meeting the bad people out to do me no good. The lack of police, oh they were there, I was just avoiding them because I didn't want the hassle of them. Long hair in that place and time marked you in a very bad way in their eyes. Well, I still wondered about the lack of the bad and then I thought, hey, maybe I'm the one my mother warned me about.

I think if I had seen that pink bear, I might have been rethinking my life much earlier then I did. But then again, maybe I would have thought I had just gotten my moneys worth. Cute little fella. Is he/she a sex toy? Doesn't do a thing for me. Maybe it's a Japanese thing.


Just wanted to tell you how much I love your blog. Finally got a chance to catch up on it today. Have a really crappy internet connection. Just wanted to say hi and let you know I am thinking of you and that reading your stuff is a real delight.


Looks like Shinjuku translates to Piss Alley, seems so according to one spot I looked. Maria Cross is something else again. All I can say with that is, wow. I just don't see it, over my head. Like to meet him over a coffee though. Sad part is, I wouldn't be able to get the inflections in his voice, even if I could understand the basics of the language or have it translated on the spot. The body language might even escape me, even if watching for it. A good translator is worth their weight in gold and then some. I do think the interpretation of others isn't just all about the word, more to it then that. That it's often what isn't said.

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  • Gratefully, joyfully, painfully, pissedoffedly, reflectively, creatively SOBER since January 3, 2007! I have worked as a nightclub hostess, a pre-school teacher and a Japanese-English translator. Right now I am an English tutor and a non-fiction author who is trying very, very hard to become a novelist. Tokyo is home.

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  • BAR FLOWER: My Decadently Destructive Days and Nights as a Tokyo Nightclub Hostess, by me

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