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August 28, 2007



Now that was seriously disturbing to me. You have toured me through sanity in bathrooms and the back and front streets of various cities. This is a good thing, very enjoyable. My introduction to butt biters however, is another matter. I couldn't find a maid outfit that fit, as a side note. That isn't distubing, that's a relief. The, Who's That Scientist-who-doesn't-care-about-how-she-looks?? I can relate to. You just have to change the gender. Butt biters? Gads!!! Oh and someone put up a Youtube video of The Monty Pythons on a site I visit, doing their Spam skit. I have always had a hard time understanding some of what they are saying. This one had Japanese subtitles. I have hopes of finally understanding British humor now. I just need to pay better attention here.


Dang! I've yet to see one of these little guys. Where's a butt-biter when a gal needs one? I could certainly use the energy.

Hey, thanks for the link--I'll be linking back to you!

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  • Gratefully, joyfully, painfully, pissedoffedly, reflectively, creatively SOBER since January 3, 2007! I have worked as a nightclub hostess, a pre-school teacher and a Japanese-English translator. Right now I am an English tutor and a non-fiction author who is trying very, very hard to become a novelist. Tokyo is home.

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  • BAR FLOWER: My Decadently Destructive Days and Nights as a Tokyo Nightclub Hostess, by me

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