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July 07, 2007



Now I am dying to hear more about both your homestay mom and your real mom. Your real mom sounds pretty cool to me, but then I didn't have a nuturing mom. I do have a 90% batshit crazy mom.

I know you don't have much time, but you have to tell... did you get your pizza?


Yes, I got my pizza! I had to microwave it and I`m sure it would have been better fresh, but still, it was a pizza and it smelled and tasted like home. All of the grease remained intact through transport. It was great.

Meg Moran

I have been trying to post comments...but keep getting error messages...arrgh! Hope you and mommy are having an amazing reunion.


there was so much that I didn't notice about the reality of my relationships until after I got sober...but then they shift and actually got better, even though I went through some growing pains....you probably will too. It's better when it's REAL either way.

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