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July 28, 2007



Omigod, that's so completely funny. It makes it tempting to gift a Japanese person with a t-shirt that says something completely horrific on it that they'd never want to wear if they knew what it said.

Then again, messages from the heart on American shirts? Like most of us are that deep. Someone was commenting today about a couple 12 year old girls wearing Hooters shirts for a "Catholic School Girl" themed day at their summer camp.


Hooters shirts? On second thought, maybe it's better not to understand what everyone's wearing...

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  • Gratefully, joyfully, painfully, pissedoffedly, reflectively, creatively SOBER since January 3, 2007! I have worked as a nightclub hostess, a pre-school teacher and a Japanese-English translator. Right now I am an English tutor and a non-fiction author who is trying very, very hard to become a novelist. Tokyo is home.

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  • BAR FLOWER: My Decadently Destructive Days and Nights as a Tokyo Nightclub Hostess, by me

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