My mommy is coming to Tokyo today!! She's stopping over on this side of the planet to attend a conference (and hang out with me!) for a week. I have not seen her for almost a year. That is way too long not to see a mommy. I am working this evening, so Super-T has already left to meet her at the airport. This promises to be very amusing.
When my mom asked me what I wanted from New York, I asked her to "bring me a pizza!" and she said that she would try. Downer-T has expressed his doubts regarding the logistics surrounding my mom's bringing an entire pizza aboard a 13 hour nonstop flight from NY to Tokyo. Yet what T doesn't realize, is that my mommy can do anything.
T will eat his words.
And I will eat my pizza.
And T will be so busy eating his words that he will not get to eat any of my New York Pizza.
That's good, because I wasn't planning on sharing it anyway.