When it rained for 6 weeks, I cursed the rain. Then when the sun came out for three days, I cursed the heat. Right now, it is thundering very loudly in Tokyo. It's not just any thunder. It comes at very close intervals and lasts for quite extended amounts of time. There is lightning, but no rain.
Nope, I don't like this either. My apartment is even shaking a little, as if by a small earthquake. The clamor from outside makes me feel as if the many buildings which surround me in this this precariously placed city, might just be collapsing one by one.
On a brighter note, T-bone and I got to see half of a fireworks spectacle on the Sumida river last night. It was the top half. Since we stood on a bridge near the apartment, two miles away from the actual show, many buildings prevented us from seeing the lower half of the spectacle (called "hanabi," or "fire flowers" in Japanese).
Since nighttime photography does not appear to be one of my strong points, the pictures below kind of look like the city is burning. It's as if Tokyo is on fire, and everyone has lined up on the bridge to watch.
Damn, I am morbid today.