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June 26, 2007


Irish Pal

Its a very apt visual metaphor for where you were 'at' at the time you took that photo. It is about seeing the beauty and vulnerabilty in the 'fallen' parts of ourselves. you see we are SICK people getting well, NOT 'bad' people getting good. I see a great deal of 'beauty' in new people when they are raw, 'broken' and vulnerable. its very enchanting and moves you in a way that bouncy happy people doesnt. I REALLY beleive what mother theresa said when she said 'suffering brings us closer to god'. i reallly think it does.
nice post Lea. It gets better!


I love your new banner. I noticed it right away and thought it was very cool.

You know what I was thinking as you wrote about the partying during the sakura season? "What a shame those fools need alcohol to enjoy the beauty around them." And then knowing that they end up trashing it by leaving refuse all over and they themselves end up in the gutter, drunk and senseless? Frankly, I am unimpressed. What a bunch of moronic blind ingrates.

You found beauty where no one else might see it. And you found it because you had a clarity you didn't have before. Welcome to a whole new party.


There is a sentence in the BB that says something to the effect of 'the best years of (our) lives lie ahead.'
Believe it, girl. It gets so much better than you already feel it is.
Yes, I, too, love the banner --it rocks. Although I cannot see all of it on my computer for some reason. It falls off to the right. Anyway, I love it -- even the pink. ;-)

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  • Gratefully, joyfully, painfully, pissedoffedly, reflectively, creatively SOBER since January 3, 2007! I have worked as a nightclub hostess, a pre-school teacher and a Japanese-English translator. Right now I am an English tutor and a non-fiction author who is trying very, very hard to become a novelist. Tokyo is home.

the book

  • BAR FLOWER: My Decadently Destructive Days and Nights as a Tokyo Nightclub Hostess, by me

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