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June 18, 2007



A few years ago when I lived in Italy and did a semester of grad school, the students would answer their cell phones in class. The professors would just continue their lectures as if no one were answering loudly "Pronto!" every ten minutes or so to obnoxious ringtones.

Since then, mobile use has increased in the US too and kids have them more and more. Frankly, I think some things are OK for children to feel left out of. Drinking is one of them. Sex is another. They can wait until they are older to be indoctrinated.

What's wrong with regular old beverages? Sheesh. And aren't alcoholic drinks for grown ups to try to reclaim their lost youth? People are just so fucked up, no one knows what they are trying to achieve anymore.


If they're microbrews, then I'd drink them. Great for a party if you get a keg, too. Mix with fake, candy pharmaceuticals and have a memorable kids birthday party!!!!


Ha! I actually bought a bottle of this stuff thinking it was real beer. But mostly I was buying it because of the sheer cuteness of the bottle, which now sits atop our urinal awaiting flowers. And the fake cell phone thing--that's classic!

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