I'm not quite sure what to make of this:
Japanese Beer Company Releases Beer for Kids
. . .Sangaria started their line of fake alcoholic drinks for kids with Kodomo no nomimono (Children’s drink), and has been successful enough to offer it in bottles, cans, and even six-packs. They also expanded the product line to include children’s versions of wine, champagne, and cocktails. The beer, flavored like apple juice, even foams at the top when poured into a glass!. . . Japan is well known for its group drinking culture, and this is actually a great way to include the kids during family celebrations. . .
Bizarre, right? It makes me think of a time some years ago when I was working with a class of three-year-olds at a Japanese preschool, and they all suddenly started bringing their fake cell phones to school. I was an advocate of banning this practice, because the kids picked up an uncanny tendency to avoid all responsibilities by pretending to receive important calls. A typical exchange went as follows.
Me: Nobuya, it's time to clean up now.
Nobuya (retreating into a corner of the classroom with his plastic phone, putting his hand over his ear that is not next to the receiver as people often do to stifle outside noise): One moment please Miss Lea!
Me: Finish your call quickly. If you don't clean up then you can't eat lunch with your class!
Nobuya (speaking into his phone): Hai, hai, hai, wakarimashita kaicho. (Yes, yes, yes, I understand boss.)
This in mind, I can't help but wonder what types of unacceptable behavior these fake beverages might lead to among similar toddlers, as they invariably imitate their parent's behavior. Will the bottle become an excuse to forget about toilet training and pee in the clothes hamper? Will they begin to think that it's OK to sing and shout around the house without having to use their "inside voices?" Will they believe that they should stomp and stumble awkwardly around the living room pretending to be roaring tigers or retarded dinosaurs??
I don't know about you, but if I were still a three-year-old I'd get addicted pretty fast...
A few years ago when I lived in Italy and did a semester of grad school, the students would answer their cell phones in class. The professors would just continue their lectures as if no one were answering loudly "Pronto!" every ten minutes or so to obnoxious ringtones.
Since then, mobile use has increased in the US too and kids have them more and more. Frankly, I think some things are OK for children to feel left out of. Drinking is one of them. Sex is another. They can wait until they are older to be indoctrinated.
What's wrong with regular old beverages? Sheesh. And aren't alcoholic drinks for grown ups to try to reclaim their lost youth? People are just so fucked up, no one knows what they are trying to achieve anymore.
Posted by: VicariousRising | June 19, 2007 at 12:25 AM
If they're microbrews, then I'd drink them. Great for a party if you get a keg, too. Mix with fake, candy pharmaceuticals and have a memorable kids birthday party!!!!
Posted by: Brent | June 19, 2007 at 07:55 AM
Ha! I actually bought a bottle of this stuff thinking it was real beer. But mostly I was buying it because of the sheer cuteness of the bottle, which now sits atop our urinal awaiting flowers. And the fake cell phone thing--that's classic!
Posted by: dianeinjapan | September 01, 2007 at 03:17 PM